Like I said in my last blog, April 8th was TOMs one day without shoes and I proudly participated by walking around barefoot all day. I was really disappointed that I did not see anyone else barefoot. I did however fulfill the purpose and spread the word by explaining to a few people why I was barefoot.
Some pictures:
Morning going to car.
In painting with my flag!
DIRTY FEET (or foot)
I learned that I have nice arches in my feet. look how clean it is!
My feet were black at one point in the day because of charcoal dust in the art building, but apparently that rubbed off.
Tomorrow morning I will be taking pictures of my new earrings and post them in the shop.
I really need to buy an Ott-Lite so I do not have to go outside to take pictures, kind of a pain to carry it all back and forth and deal with the wind.
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