Wednesday, January 25, 2012
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Blog find / Enter her giveway
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Vague Rhetorical Rant
Some drama only belongs in books and film. Yet others love acting it out in real life.
My Perfect Man

-Likes these bands (and similar ones) : As Cities Burn, Manchester Orchestra, Mumford & Sons, Brand New
and also has respect for other types of music, even if he does not own their cds
- can laugh with me when I sing songs from hit radio stations, or better yet, join!
-Reads novels
-Grew up loving Harry Potter
- Loves Lost or is willing to watch the series with me and becomes addicted
- Is in some way an artist
by musical instrument, painting/drawing/woodcrafting, writing, film related talent, etc...
(Or at least respects and finds art interesting)
-Would have fun going to museums and art shows with me
- likes tea and/or coffee. idk why...maybe so my pot of coffee or kettle of tea will not go to waste.
- wants to (or does) live in a city like Boston
-wants to travel the world
-likes autumn/winter
-Still a guys guy ( has friends, watches sports...)
- is a Christian. Does/will go to church (even though I currently do not on regular basis)
-Knows politics¤t events but knows better than to talk about it too much resulting in arguments.
- Has a good job or is in college.
-Crafty (in a manly sense)
aka good with woodworking tools, carpentry, etc... be Mr Fix-it
-Does/will eat healthy(ish) I am not going to marry a guy who will die at 50 from a heart attack.
-Taller than me ( I am 5’6” so I am not askin much. 6’+ is hotter)
-Fits in with my family / can be good friends with my brother
-understands me
-humorous/goofy/fun. needs to make me laugh.
-nice/friendly but not naive. needs common sense
-loves meee ( will)
While some of these characteristics add up to “hipster,”(hate this label) he is in no way a douchey pretentious asshole to others who do not have his amount of knowledge, like hipsters often are
Really the only things that truly matter are the last 5 things. All others are if I could design my perfect man to a T, while there are even some things I left off the list. but I will strive for most of the list unless I turn into one of those pathetic 29 year olds in the books I read who freak out about being single at 30. sort of a worst nightmare. I pray I am married by 25 or at least in a serious long term relationship leading to marriage.
Some of my favorite songs(because it is sort of important) :